Victor The Safety Dragon


Working Together For The Safety of Our Children


About The Program

Program Outline

Safe Schools Guidelines    

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

The Coordinator





Dividing Line

Spelling Test Image

Est. 1989


Toronto Board
Alexander Stirling 416-396-6020
Alexmuir Jr. 416-396-6025
Arlington M.S. 416-394-2200
Briar Hill Jr. 416-394-2226
Brook Haven P.S. 416-395-6095
Brookbank 416-395-2100
Brooks Road P.S. 416-396-6095
Brookview M.S. 416-395-2120
C.E. Webster Jr. 416-394-2250
C.H. Best 416-395-2180
Chester Le Jr. 416-396-6145
Chief Dan George 416-396-6150
Chine Drive 416-396-6155
Cordella Jr. 416-394-2259
Cornell Jr. 416-396-6175
Cummer Valley 416-395-2260
D.B. Hood C.S. 416-394-2290
Derrydown Jr. 416-395-2318
Elia Middle School 416-395-3023
Emily Carr 416-396-6230
F.H. Miller Jr. 416-394-2336
Fairbank Mem. C.S. 416-394-2333
Fairbank Sr. 416-394-2323
Fenside P.S. 416-395-2414
Finch P.S. 416-395-2410
Fisherville J.H.S. 416-395-3030
Flemington Jr. 416-395-2432
George Syme C.S. 416-394-2340
Glen Park Jr. 416-395-2462
Golf Road Jr. 416-396-6285
Gordon A. Brown 416-396-2440
Grey Owl J.P.S. 416-396-6290
Harwood Jr. 416-394-2350
Humbercrest 416-394-2250
J.B. Tyrrell Sr. 416-396-6360
J.G. Workman 416-396-6365
J.R. Wilcox C.S. 416-394-2388
Jack Miner Sr. 416-396-6375
John Buchan Sr. 416-396-6385
John G. Diefenbaker 416-396-6390
Joseph Howe Sr. 416-396-6405
Kane M.S. 416-394-3033
Keelesdale Jr. 416-394-3050
Lambton Park Jr. 416-394-3070
Lillian 416-395-2774
Maple Leaf P.S. 416-395-6559
McNicoll 416-395-2680
Morrish 416-396-6730
Oakridge Jr. 416-396-6505
Parkdale P.S. 416-393-1280
Pineway Jr. 416-395-2765
Poplar Rd. Jr. 416-396-6450
Queen Victoria Jr. 416-393-9200
Ranchdale 416-395-2800
Rawlinson 416-394-3080
Robert Service Sr. P.S. 416-396-6540
York Region Separate Catholic School Board
All Saints 905-947-8825
Lady of Fatima 905-856-1666
Our Lady of Peace 905-832-7080
St. Agnes of Asisi 905-303-4646
St. Charles Garnier 905-884-0223
St. Clement 905-851-5910
St. Francis of Assisi CES 905-851-2859
St. Gregory The Great 905-856-0955
St. Joseph The Worker 905-738-5703
St. Patrick 905-939-7753
St. Stephens Elementary 905-893-7557
A.C.H.S. 416-249-9669
Associated Hebrew Schools 416-789-2235
Holy Family Helen Bocher 416-392-5212
Holy Rosary C.S. 416-393-5239
John 23rd C.S. 905-477-3288
Lady of Fatima 416-393-5252
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 416-393-5239
San Marco C.S. 905-850-2230
St. Bernadette C.S. 905-722-6226
St. Clare C.S. 905-856-6643
St. Margaret Mary C.S. 905-851-3935
St. Mathews C.S. 905-475-0517
St. Vincent de Paul 416-393-5227
Focus Communities
Parkdale 416-537-2455
Parma/O'Connor 416-395-4184
Athabasca 905-723-8233
Anderson H.S.
Bellwood Public School 905-436-0098
E.A. Fairman 905-668-2251
F.M. Heard P.S. 905-668-3251
Henry Street High School 905-668-2731
Leslie McFarlane P.S. 905-668-6846
Palmerston 905-668-5622
Parkside P.S. 905-683-0925
R.A. Sennett 905-668-3221
Sir J.A. MacDonald P.S. 905-839-1159
ST. Mary's C.S.
St. Michael's C.S.
Waverly Public School 905-728-4461
Woodcrest P.S. 905-725-7042
York Region
16th Avenue P.S. 905-884-5598
Aldergrove M.S. 905-470-2227
Armadale P.S. 905-427-4050
Armitage Village P.S. 905-853-7899
Aurora M.S. 905-830-0500
Bayview Hill E.S. 905-508-0806
Glad Park 905-475-0517
Highgate P.S. 905-477-1019
Highview P.S. 905-727-6642
Kettleby P.S. 905-727-9852
Maple Leaf P.S. 905-895-9681
Pickering College 905-895-1077
Pleasantville P.S. 905-884-7431
Prince Charles P.S. 905-895-8401
Randall P.S. 905-479-2003
Reesor Park 905-294-6558
Regency Acres P.S. 905-727-9811
Roselawn P.S. 905-884-5934
Silver Pines P.S. 905-508-7303
Unionville P.S. 905-477-1824
Walter Scott P.S. 905-884-2693
William Berczy P.S. 905-477-2047
Girl Guides of Canada
Lynwood District 416-750-9738
Scouts Canada
88th Toronto 416-759-6302


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