Victor The Safety Dragon


Working Together For The Safety of Our Children


About The Program

Program Outline

Safe Schools Guidelines    

Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

The Coordinator





Dividing Line

Spelling Test Image

Est. 1989

Safe Schools Guidelines

A.T. Youth Safety enforces the policies of the Safe Schools Foundation in the Toronto District School Board within the teaching guidelines of the program as follows:

  • We are committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for all students, staff and visitors to our

  • We will continue to incorporate violence prevention and peaceful problem solving into the curriculum beginning in grade one;

  • We expect its students, parents/guardians, employees, and community members to actively participate as partners in maintaining a safe learning and work environment in its schools, offices work sites and at all Board sponsored activities;

  • We will not tolerate on Board property, on school contracted transportation, or at Board sponsored events:
  • violence of any kind;

  • the possession or presence of weapons;

  • harmful, threatening or actual acts of violence or other unlawful acts;

  • the presence of any intruder or any activity which places the safety of students, staff or visitors at risk; and

  • the possession of, use of, or trafficking in alcohol, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs;

  • We will ensure that there are serious consequences to any student who commits a violent act, up to and including expulsions as outlined in the Education Act;

  • We acknowledge its responsibility to educate all students, including those who commit violent acts, and to provide these students with opportunities to attend programs and access services appropriate to their academic and social/emotional needs;

  • We will offer support for victims of school-related violence, their families and school communities.

Strive to be all that you can be!!


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